Branding for Gorgeous

Branding for Gorgeous… juice-salad bar opening soon at Slipway.

AGROECOLOGY: the bold future of farming in Africa book

Design and layout by our leading designer Deborah Da Silva: AGROECOLOGY: the bold future of farming in Africa book for The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) – The 88 page illustrated book showcases 15 case studies, showing how agroecology benefits Africa in terms of food and nutrition, livelihoods, restoration of biodiversity, knowledge and innovation, and climate change resilience.

The book calls for no less than a complete transformation of our agricultural and food systems. The book, Agroecology: the bold future of farming in Africa, is available as a free download at


We have been selected to design and develop the new YEF Africa website for the International Labour Organization (UN) – We are more than excited to work on this new project and very happy to welcome ILO as a new client. It has been a great month for our team!


Google is updating its search algorithms to favour websites that work well on mobile devices.

“Mobile friendliness” will affect how prominently websites appear in Google search results pages from today, 21 April.

Criteria includes text size, the amount of space between links and whether the content fits across a mobile screen.

A Google representative said mobile friendliness was “one of many” factors used by the search engine to rank results, but in a blog post the company said it would have “a significant impact” on search results.

“As people increasingly search on their mobile devices, we want to make sure they can find content that’s not only relevant and timely, but also easy to read and interact with on smaller mobile screens,” the representative said.

Google is also offering developer tools for making websites compliant with the mobile-friendly guidelines.

How this will affect businesses in Tanzania?

Well, considering that 80% of internet usage in Tanzania is from a mobile device, this has a huge impact on businesses, if your website is not ready for mobile, that will mean you will hardly appear on search results and this can result in many companies losing online customers.

Act now and make sure your website is mobile friendly. Contact us for help.


Your brand is what sets you apart from your competition in the minds of customers. Brand recognition is vital in securing business; a buyer can’t purchase your product if he can’t remember who you are or how to find you. The best companies are those whose brands are easy to remember and instantly recognizable.

If you haven’t put much thought into building your brand yet, here are a few tips that can help you in focusing your marketing strategy:

1. Choose a name that’s relevant and meaningful. Don’t let yourself get too caught up trying to think of something cool or catchy for a brand name; focus instead on a name that’s easy to remember and gives some idea of what kind of service you offer. You don’t want a customer to pass you by because she doesn’t know that your company offers the service she needs.

2. Develop a voice. Businesses have personalities, and customers will choose their business interactions based upon that perceived personality. Be sure that the persona you’re putting out for the world is consistent with your business goals. If you want your clients to feel safe and secure, your marketing strategy may be different than if you want to develop a playful relationship with the customer. Nearly any voice can work, but it has to be unique and consistent across all forms of communication.

3. Create a strong logo and use it. A picture is worth a thousand words, and the visual impact of your logo goes a long way toward building brand recognition. If a potential buyer is able to recognize your brand at a glance, you are more likely to get be remembered and noticed. Your logo belongs on all of your communications.

4. Respond to feedback. Pay careful attention to any feedback you receive about your brand, slogan, logo or marketing campaign. If something isn’t working, try to figure out why so that you can implement the necessary changes. If something is working well, try to analyze why so that you can make it even better.

5. Be consistent. A company logo, slogan or even voice is not a brand in itself; rather, all of the pieces work together to create your unique brand. Although you might make minor changes to your brand as you determine what works best, you should always strive to present a unified front to your customers. By keeping your message and delivery consistent, you can show that your brand is trustworthy and dependable.

Need help building your brand or creating a logo? Get in touch with us and we will help you to create a lasting brand which will support your business. 



If your business Web site doesn’t have a blog, get one. A blog, if done right, can act as a direct and indirect mechanism that brings large amounts of qualified visitors to your site, many of whom may become customers.

This is mostly related to the way blogs interact with search engines, and the traffic I am speaking of will come from search engines, mostly Google.

Before I explain how you can do this to help your Web site, let me give some background on how search engines work.

When it comes to optimizing your Web site (or blog for that matter) for search engines, you must always keep in mind two things: on-page optimization and off-page optimization.

On-page optimization is the elements of a Web page that better optimize it to be found and ranked well in the search engines. These elements can include on-page content such as the actual sentences and paragraphs on the page, the headlines (or headers or Hx tags), the links, the links’ text, the title tag and much more.

Off-page optimization means the things that are done on sites besides your site, namely link-building. Off-page optimization is the process of creating links (or causing others to create links) on other Web sites that point to your site. Inbound links, as these are often called, have a major impact on how well you rank in search engines. Generally speaking, the more inbound links, the better. But the quality of the sites with these inbound links, or the way the search engines perceive the sites, is even more important.

To rank on the first couple of pages on the search engines requires work on both on-page and off-page optimization.

Two additional and important pieces of information that you’ll need to understand are related to site content and internal links.

Search engines love to see your Web site regularly add new, original, quality content. You don’t need to add pages every day, just add pages at the same rate over time. So, if you add a page a week to your site, keep it at around that same pace, or increase or decrease gradually.

A Web site can be considered a living entity in a sense. It certainly shouldn’t be static. It should grow over time. And the fantastic thing about content is that the more of it there is on your site, the more chances you have of getting found in the search engines.

The idea that inbound links help your search engine rankings that I explained above can be extended to your internal pages as well. In other words, the more links to a particular page coming from other pages within the same site will boost that page’s rank as well.

Think of it this way. If you had a 10-page site including a product page, every page on the site contained a link to your product page and all other things were equal, your product page would rank higher than the rest of your site’s pages (besides the home page which is given a little extra weíght).

Now let’s consider what would happen if there were only you and your competitor in your industry (if only that could be true!), and your site still had those 10 pages while your competitor’s site contained 100 pages. Furthermore, your competitor set it up the same way as you where he added a link to every page on his site that pointed to his product page. All other things were equal, his product page would outrank your product page every time. Why? Because he had 100 internal links pointing to his product page and you only had 10.

If you put all these pieces together now, on-page optimization, off-page optimization or link building, content creation and internal linking, can you begin to see why a blog may be a good thing? A blog helps with all of these.

A regularly updated blog provides a mechanism for adding fresh content on a regular basis. Plus, it’s so easy to use a blog that anyone can use them. So even if you or your employees don’t know a thing about Web pages and HTML, you’ll still be able to add new content to your site.

Consider this: If you add fresh, quality content to your blog on a regular basis by writing posts, something the search engines love, and within each post you link to an important page within your site, let’s say your product page for instance, you’re now building links to help your rankings using your blog. With this additional link your product page gets that much more boost in the search engines.

Remember how I explained that links from within your site help your rankings? Adding links within your blog posts pointing back to your other important pages that you want to rank well is a great way to help your rankings.

And every time you publish a new post, you’re giving the search engines one more entry point into your site. Your site will quickly get bigger, and with each new page your site gets more visible.

Keep in mind that the links you make within your blog posts should be relevant. Only link to your product page from a post that has to do with your products. And blog posts ought to be useful to your site visitors. The less you talk about your products and instead offer useful, free information that people can use, the more traffíc and repeat visitors you’ll get.

Remember that people really don’t care about you, your Web site or your products; they only care about how you can help them. If you sell furniture, a blog post about how to find the best deals on furniture would be far better than a post about how your chairs are the best in the world.

One important thing to remember is that if you plan on creating a new blog for your business as a way to augment your Web site, be sure you put the blog on your actual domain. This means that you would not use a remote service like Instead, you must have the blog on your business Web site’s address (or domain). For example, if your Web site address is then your blog should be located at or

By adding a blog to your business Web site, you are creating a way to get additional traffic. You’ll get direct traffic from your posts, which get indexed by the search engines and drive traffic to your site from searches. And, you’ll get indirect traffic from your other site’s pages ranking well in the search engines because they have links pointing to them from your blog posts.

You’ll be regularly adding fresh content to your site, which search engines love, thereby creating more ways to be found in the search engines at the same time. And each post provides a new chance to create a link or two to other pages and blog posts on your site, thereby boosting those pages’ rankings.

Like I suggested at the beginning, if your business Web site doesn’t have a blog, go get one.

This article has been written by Jason O’Connor

Jason O’Connor is a Web business and marketing professional who produces The Net Gazette, a free online Web business and marketing periodical. The Net Gazette covers topics that range from blogging for business to Twitter. Read the September edition or visit the main Web site


We are happy to be working with IRENTE FARM LODGE on the design and development for their new website…


We been working very hard on the branding for the new Tanga radio station: Tanga Kunani 88.5 FM.

We have designed the logo and we are now working on all company branding and marketing materials as well as the website… work will be on our portfolio soon….